After a week of complete mind and body rest from running or any exercise (though a lot of heavy boxes and furniture were moved), Sage and I decided to hike up Longs Peak. I still needed the mental break of running uphill at high altitude, so we decided to power hike up and run down. The first 6.5 miles were easy and I almost regretted the decision not to run up as it was a very gradual incline. The rest of the way to the summit is very technical, with a lot of class 3 climbing. There is no way I'd want to be doing that in a storm as the rocks were already slippery from so many people hiking. We also went on a Saturday, which wasn't a great idea since Saturday draws quite a large crown on Longs Peak. However, we had fun and I was happy to mark another thing off of my running/mountain adventure list!
Thank you Sage for getting me some great shots to edit!
(SORRY for all the shots of my behind!)

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